[HNTRS2024] Huntress 2024 (Reverse Engineering): In Plain Sight

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is a solution to the challenge. This post will be full of spoilers.
Download the binaries here: https://github.com/mlesterdampios/huntress-2024-binary-challenges

In this challenge, I learned that this binary is somewhat similar to Ghostpulse where it hides payload on the PNG. I was able to uncover this by checking some functions and saw that the binary loads a PNG resource file and it do some decryption routine.

EDIT: My solution to this is somewhat weird. After the event, the challenge creator revealed that the actual encrypted data wasn’t on the PNG itself. Until this day, I was still puzzled and looking for a “better” way to solve the challenge than my methodology explained below.

As stated in the article above, it do some crc and hashing checking to the PNG parts to identify location of the encrypted locations.

I first put a breakpoint on the cmp dword ptr [rsp+238h+var_1E8+0Ch], 0AAAAAAAAh. It seems like 0AAAAAAAAh is like an index for an encrypted message that the programs want to print out. You will notice this also in other parts, such as 0AAAAh, 0AAAAAh, 0AAAAAAh.

In the first breakpoint hit, you will see this:

Since, 0AAAAh is not equals to 0AAAAAAAAh, then it will just skip and proceed to the next iteration of loop. But what we can do here is to control the rip to proceed with the decryption block instead of reiterating the loop.

It did leaked the first encrypted message from the PNG file.

We just repeat these step to leak others as well.

We could go on to look other message, I think there are 12 encrypted messages there. But to cut short, this message is interesting.

Here are the IPs that we extracted.

10 25 3 103
10 5 13 54
10 185 7 102
172 21 29 54
172 20 20 51
172 30 27 54
192 168 34 57
192 168 71 6
10 76 2 97
10 199 9 97
192 168 245 16
172 25 31 54
192 168 226 0
10 215 6 57
192 168 41 1
10 212 10 49
10 119 16 50
10 0 0 102
172 30 21 57
192 168 43 2
192 168 113 16
172 26 24 100
192 168 89 12
172 21 33 101
192 168 37 125
172 17 19 49
10 169 8 52
10 179 4 123
172 29 22 50
192 168 180 8
172 28 26 97
172 24 23 50
192 168 40 18
172 16 30 98
10 13 1 108
192 168 42 0
172 16 17 102
10 105 11 55
192 168 36 49
172 30 18 56
172 24 25 99
192 168 100 12
192 168 35 97
172 30 28 99
172 27 32 53
192 168 58 18
10 184 15 101
192 168 50 15
10 129 5 53
10 126 12 98
10 32 14 57

Then lets sort it based on the 3rd octet

10 0 0 102
10 13 1 108
10 76 2 97
10 25 3 103
10 179 4 123
10 129 5 53
10 215 6 57
10 185 7 102
10 169 8 52
10 199 9 97
10 212 10 49
10 105 11 55
10 126 12 98
10 5 13 54
10 32 14 57
10 184 15 101
10 119 16 50
172 16 17 102
172 30 18 56
172 17 19 49
172 20 20 51
172 30 21 57
172 29 22 50
172 24 23 50
172 26 24 100
172 24 25 99
172 28 26 97
172 30 27 54
172 30 28 99
172 21 29 54
172 16 30 98
172 25 31 54
172 27 32 53
172 21 33 101
192 168 34 57
192 168 35 97
192 168 36 49
192 168 37 125
192 168 40 18
192 168 41 1
192 168 42 0
192 168 43 2
192 168 50 15
192 168 58 18
192 168 71 6
192 168 89 12
192 168 100 12
192 168 113 16
192 168 180 8
192 168 226 0
192 168 245 16

Then extract the 4th octet.


Convert to ASCII then remove the non-printable characters.


[HNTRS2024] Huntress 2024 (Reverse Engineering): Rusty Bin

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is a solution to the challenge. This post will be full of spoilers.
Download the binaries here: https://github.com/mlesterdampios/huntress-2024-binary-challenges

In this challenge we are given a binary to reverse. The flag is in the binary and we need to find it.

After some guessing we are able to get a clue. I tried finding the bytes on the memory but I couldn’t get whole flag.

So what I did was to look around more, and try to check some function calls.

These 2 function calls are somewhat weird to me. I tried to check arguments passed to these 2 functions. I found out that the 1st function is a XOR cipher, and the 2nd call is a XOR key. There was 14 loops on it, so meaning there are 14 ciphers. You can just write down those values and manually xor for around 30 mins, or build an automated solution for 2 hours. Pick your poison. lol.

So I choose the automated solution

// FunctionHooks.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#define NOMINMAX // Prevents Windows headers from defining min and max macros
//#define AllowDebug // uncomment to show debug messages
#include "pch.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "detours.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype> // For isprint
#include <intrin.h>

// 1. Define the function pointer type matching the target function's signature.
typedef __int64(__fastcall* sub_0x1AC0_t)(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3);

// 2. Replace with the actual module name containing the target function.
const char* TARGET_MODULE_NAME = "rusty_bin.exe"; // Ensure this matches the actual module name

// 3. Calculated RVA of the target function (0x1AC0 based on previous calculation)
const uintptr_t FUNCTION_RVA = 0x1AC0;

// 4. Declare a pointer to the original function.
sub_0x1AC0_t TrueFunction = nullptr;

// 5. Logging components
std::queue<std::string> logQueue;
std::mutex queueMutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::thread logThread;
std::atomic<bool> isLoggingActive(false);
std::ofstream logFile;

// 6. Data management components
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> byteVectors;
bool isOdd = true;
std::mutex dataMutex;

// 9. Helper function to convert uintptr_t to hex string
std::string ToHex(uintptr_t value)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "0x"
        << std::hex << std::uppercase << value;
    return ss.str();

// 7. Helper function to convert a single byte to hex string
std::string ByteToHex(unsigned char byte)
    char buffer[3];
    sprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02X", byte);
    return std::string(buffer);

// 8. Helper function to convert a vector of bytes to hex string with spaces
std::string BytesToHex(const std::vector<unsigned char>& bytes)
    std::string hexStr;
    for (auto byte : bytes)
        hexStr += ByteToHex(byte) + " ";
    if (!hexStr.empty())
        hexStr.pop_back(); // Remove trailing space
    return hexStr;

// 19. Helper function to convert a vector of bytes to a human-readable string
std::string BytesToString(const std::vector<unsigned char>& bytes)
    std::string result;

    for (auto byte : bytes)
        if (isprint(byte))
            result += static_cast<char>(byte);
            result += '.'; // Placeholder for non-printable characters

    return result;

// 10. Enqueue a log message
void LogMessage(const std::string& message)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(queueMutex);

// 11. Logging thread function
void ProcessLogQueue()
    while (isLoggingActive)
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
        cv.wait(lock, [] { return !logQueue.empty() || !isLoggingActive; });

        while (!logQueue.empty())
            std::string msg = logQueue.front();
            lock.unlock(); // Unlock while writing to minimize lock contention

            if (logFile.is_open())
                logFile << msg;
                // Optionally, implement log rotation or size checks here


    // Flush remaining messages before exiting
    while (true)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(queueMutex);
        if (logQueue.empty())

        std::string msg = logQueue.front();

        if (logFile.is_open())
            logFile << msg;

// 12. Initialize logging system
bool InitializeLogging()
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(queueMutex);
        logFile.open("rusty_bin.log", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
        if (!logFile.is_open())
            return false;

    isLoggingActive = true;
    logThread = std::thread(ProcessLogQueue);
    return true;

// 13. Shutdown logging system
void ShutdownLogging()
    isLoggingActive = false;
    if (logThread.joinable())

        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(queueMutex);
        if (logFile.is_open())

// 14. Implement the HookedFunction with the same signature.
__int64 __fastcall HookedFunction(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
    // Retrieve the return address using the MSVC intrinsic
    void* returnAddress = _ReturnAddress();

    // Get the base address of the target module
    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleA(TARGET_MODULE_NAME);
    if (!hModule)
        // If unable to get module handle, log and call the true function
        std::string errorLog = "Failed to get module handle for " + std::string(TARGET_MODULE_NAME) + ".\n";
#ifdef AllowDebug
        return TrueFunction(a1, a2, a3);

    uintptr_t moduleBase = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(hModule);
    uintptr_t retAddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(returnAddress);
    uintptr_t rva = retAddr - moduleBase;

    // Define the specific RVAs to check against
    const std::vector<uintptr_t> validRVAs = { 0x17B1, 0x17C8 };

    // Check if the return address RVA matches 0x17B1 or 0x17C8
    bool shouldProcess = false;
    for (auto& validRVA : validRVAs)
        if (rva == validRVA)
            shouldProcess = true;

    if (shouldProcess)
        // Convert a1 and a3 to uintptr_t using static_cast
        uintptr_t ptrA1 = static_cast<uintptr_t>(a1);
        uintptr_t ptrA3 = static_cast<uintptr_t>(a3);

        // Log the function call parameters using ToHex
        std::string logMessage = "HookedFunction called with a1=" + ToHex(ptrA1) +
            ", a2=" + std::to_string(a2) + ", a3=" + ToHex(ptrA3) + "\n";
#ifdef AllowDebug

        // Initialize variables for reading bytes
        std::vector<unsigned char> currentBytes;
        __int64 result = 0;

        // Check if a1 is valid and a2 is positive
        if (a1 != 0 && a2 > 0)
            unsigned char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(a1);

            // Reserve space to minimize reallocations

            for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(a2); ++i)
                unsigned char byte = buffer[i];

            // Convert bytes to hex string
            std::string bytesHex = BytesToHex(currentBytes);

            // Log the bytes read
#ifdef AllowDebug
            LogMessage("Bytes read: " + bytesHex + "\n");
            // Log invalid parameters
            std::string invalidParamsLog = "Invalid a1 or a2. a1: " + ToHex(ptrA1) +
                ", a2: " + std::to_string(a2) + "\n";
#ifdef AllowDebug

        // Data management: Handle isOdd and byteVectors
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(dataMutex);
            if (isOdd)
                // Odd call: push the bytes read to byteVectors
#ifdef AllowDebug
                LogMessage("Pushed bytes to array.\n");
                // Even call: perform XOR with the last vector in byteVectors
                if (!byteVectors.empty())
                    const std::vector<unsigned char>& lastVector = byteVectors.back();
                    size_t minSize = (currentBytes.size() < lastVector.size()) ? currentBytes.size() : lastVector.size();

                    std::vector<unsigned char> xorResult;

                    for (size_t i = 0; i < minSize; ++i)
                        xorResult.push_back(currentBytes[i] ^ lastVector[i]);

                    // Convert XOR result to hex string
                    std::string xorHex = BytesToHex(xorResult);

                    // Convert XOR result to human-readable string
                    std::string xorString = BytesToString(xorResult);

                    // Log both hex and string representations
#ifdef AllowDebug
                    LogMessage("XOR output (Hex): " + xorHex + "\n");
                    LogMessage("XOR output (String): " + xorString + "\n");
#ifdef AllowDebug
                    // Log that there's no previous vector to XOR with
                    LogMessage("No previous byte vector to XOR with.\n");

            // Toggle isOdd for the next call
            isOdd = !isOdd;

        // Call the original function
        result = TrueFunction(a1, a2, a3);

        // Log the function result
        std::string resultLog = "Original function returned " + std::to_string(result) + "\n";
#ifdef AllowDebug

        // Return the original result
        return result;
        // If the return address RVA is not 0x17B1 or 0x17C8, directly call the true function
        return TrueFunction(a1, a2, a3);

// 15. Function to dynamically resolve the target function's address
sub_0x1AC0_t GetTargetFunctionAddress()
    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleA(TARGET_MODULE_NAME);
    if (!hModule)
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("Failed to get handle of target module: " + std::string(TARGET_MODULE_NAME) + "\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Calculate the absolute address by adding the RVA to the module's base address.
    uintptr_t funcAddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(hModule) + FUNCTION_RVA;
    return reinterpret_cast<sub_0x1AC0_t>(funcAddr);

// 16. Attach hooks
BOOL AttachHooks()
    // Initialize logging system
    if (!InitializeLogging())
        // If the log file cannot be opened, return FALSE to prevent hooking
        return FALSE;

    // Dynamically resolve the original function address
    TrueFunction = GetTargetFunctionAddress();
    if (!TrueFunction)
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("TrueFunction is null. Cannot attach hook.\n");
        return FALSE;

    // Begin a Detour transaction

    // Attach the hooked function
    DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)TrueFunction, HookedFunction);

    // Commit the transaction
    LONG error = DetourTransactionCommit();
    if (error == NO_ERROR)
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("Hooks successfully attached.\n");
        return TRUE;
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("Failed to attach hooks. Error code: " + std::to_string(error) + "\n");
        return FALSE;

// 17. Detach hooks
BOOL DetachHooks()
    // Begin a Detour transaction

    // Detach the hooked function
    DetourDetach(&(PVOID&)TrueFunction, HookedFunction);

    // Commit the transaction
    LONG error = DetourTransactionCommit();
    if (error == NO_ERROR)
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("Hooks successfully detached.\n");
        // Shutdown logging system
        return TRUE;
#ifdef AllowDebug
        LogMessage("Failed to detach hooks. Error code: " + std::to_string(error) + "\n");
        return FALSE;

// 18. DLL entry point
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (dwReason)
        if (!AttachHooks())
            // Handle hook attachment failure if necessary
            // Note: At this point, logging might not be fully operational
        if (!DetachHooks())
            // Handle hook detachment failure if necessary
    return TRUE;


XOR output (String): flag
XOR output (String): {e65
XOR output (String): cafb
XOR output (String): c80b
XOR output (String): d66a
XOR output (String): 1964
XOR output (String): b2e9
XOR output (String): debe
XOR output (String): f3ca
XOR output (String): e}
XOR output (String): the password
XOR output (String): What is 'the password'
XOR output (String): Wrong Password
XOR output (String): Correct Password! Here's a clue!

[HNTRS2024] Huntress 2024 (Reverse Engineering): That’s Life

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is a solution to the challenge. This post will be full of spoilers.
Download the binaries here: https://github.com/mlesterdampios/huntress-2024-binary-challenges


Upon initial triage, the binary is built from protobuf and every tick is saved in file named game_state.pb. Upon observation, there are 12 X and O below the game screen. Sometimes they switch. Based from inference, we must at least meet all 12 to be O. A single O, means a condition was met, so we must investigate to get the conditions so we can probably win this game.

We start first by extracting the protobuf definitions from the binary using https://github.com/arkadiyt/protodump.

syntax = "proto3";

package thats_life;

option go_package = "github.com/HuskyHacks/thats_life/pb;pb";

message Cell {
    bool alive = 1;
    int32 color = 2;

message CellRow {
    repeated Cell cells = 1;

message Grid {
    int32 width = 1;
    int32 height = 2;
    repeated CellRow rows = 3;

We are able to get the protobuf definition. Now we try to parse the game_state.pb

// cmd/deserialize.go

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Path to the serialized Grid file
    filePath := "game_state.pb"

    // Read the serialized Grid from the file
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to read file %s: %v", filePath, err)

    // Create an empty Grid object
    var grid pb.Grid

    // Deserialize the data into the Grid object
    err = proto.Unmarshal(data, &grid)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to deserialize Grid: %v", err)

    // Generate Go code representation
    goCode := formatGridAsGoCode("grid", &grid)

    // Print the generated Go code

// formatGridAsGoCode formats the Grid object into a Go code snippet
func formatGridAsGoCode(varName string, grid *pb.Grid) string {
    var sb strings.Builder

    sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s := &pb.Grid{\n", varName))
    sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("    Width:  %d,\n", grid.Width))
    sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("    Height: %d,\n", grid.Height))
    sb.WriteString("    Rows: []*pb.CellRow{\n")

    for _, row := range grid.Rows {
        sb.WriteString("        {\n")
        sb.WriteString("            Cells: []*pb.Cell{\n")
        for _, cell := range row.Cells {
            sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("                {Alive: %t, Color: %d},\n", cell.Alive, cell.Color))
        sb.WriteString("            },\n")
        sb.WriteString("        },\n")

    sb.WriteString("    },\n")

    return sb.String()

We have successfully deserialized the pb file. Therefore we can create a solution too by forging our own data based on winning conditions and serialize it.

Upon further reverse engineering, there is a win criteria generation in the binary.

Upon investigating the qwordWinCriteria, it seems like it stores the data for the win condition.

Entry 0:
- Field 0 (Row):    0x0A00000000000000 -> 10
- Field 8 (Column): 0x0F00000000000000 -> 15
- Field 16 (Value): 0x1F00000000000000 -> 31

Entry 1:
- Field 0 (Row):    0x1400000000000000 -> 20
- Field 8 (Column): 0x1900000000000000 -> 25
- Field 16 (Value): 0x2000000000000000 -> 32

... and so on.

With these information, we are now ready to craft the solution.

// serialize.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    // Define the win criteria
    winCriteria := []struct {
        Row    int32
        Column int32
        Color  int32
		{10, 15, 31},
		{20, 25, 32},
		{30, 35, 33},
		{40, 45, 34},
		{25, 50, 35},
		{5, 55, 36},
		{15, 60, 37},
		{35, 65, 31},
		{45, 70, 32},
		{0, 75, 33},
		{1, 80, 34},
		{2, 85, 35},

    // Initialize the grid
    width := int32(400)
    height := int32(50)
    grid := &pb.Grid{
        Width:  width,
        Height: height,
        Rows:   make([]*pb.CellRow, height),

    // Initialize all cells to dead and color 0
    for i := int32(0); i < height; i++ {
        row := &pb.CellRow{
            Cells: make([]*pb.Cell, width),
        for j := int32(0); j < width; j++ {
            row.Cells[j] = &pb.Cell{
                Alive: false,
                Color: 0,
        grid.Rows[i] = row

    // Apply the win criteria
    for _, wc := range winCriteria {
        if wc.Row >= 0 && wc.Row < height && wc.Column >= 0 && wc.Column < width {
            grid.Rows[wc.Row].Cells[wc.Column].Alive = true
            grid.Rows[wc.Row].Cells[wc.Column].Color = wc.Color
        } else {
            log.Fatalf("Win criteria position out of bounds: (%d, %d)", wc.Row, wc.Column)

    // Serialize the Grid to binary format
    data, err := proto.Marshal(grid)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to serialize Grid: %v", err)

    // Write to a file
    file, err := os.Create("game_state.pb") // The game expects this filename
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to create file: %v", err)
    defer file.Close()

    _, err = file.Write(data)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to write data to file: %v", err)

    log.Println("Grid serialized to game_state.pb successfully.")

[HNTRS2024] Huntress 2024 (Reverse Engineering): OceanLocust

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is a solution to the challenge. This post will be full of spoilers.
Download the binaries here: https://github.com/mlesterdampios/huntress-2024-binary-challenges

We are given a png file and a binary with it. Upon initial triage, seems like the binary is a tool for Steganography. Our task is to retrieve the file from the png by reversing the binary and make a decryption tool.

Finding the entry point:

Now we reverse this gigantic function.

First, let’s understand the PNG file.

1. Understand the PNG File Structure

PNG files consist of an 8-byte signature followed by a series of chunks. Each chunk has the following format:

  • Length: 4 bytes (big-endian integer)
  • Chunk Type: 4 bytes (ASCII characters)
  • Chunk Data: Variable length
  • CRC: 4 bytes (Cyclic Redundancy Check)

Standard chunk types include IHDRPLTEIDAT, and IEND. However, PNG files can also contain custom ancillary chunks, which can be used to store additional data without affecting the image’s visual appearance.

2. Identify Custom Chunks

From the code snippet, it seems the application is adding custom chunks to the PNG file. Look for chunk types that are not standard. In the code, you can see references to functions that handle chunks, such as sub_140005D60, which appears to add a chunk with a given type.

sub_140005D60(&v70, &v50, "IHDR", 4i64);

But since IHDR is a standard chunk, look for other custom chunk types being used. Since the code is obfuscated, we might not see the actual chunk names directly. However, we can infer that custom chunks are being added to store the flag data.

So what I did was to put a breakpoint at `v19 = v69` as this variables would likely contain the information how the chunks are stored.

1st bp hit:

debug023:0000023C584F7EC0                 db  62h ; b
debug023:0000023C584F7EC1                 db  69h ; i
debug023:0000023C584F7EC2                 db  54h ; T
debug023:0000023C584F7EC3                 db  61h ; a
debug023:0000023C584F7EC4                 db  3Ch ; <
debug023:0000023C584F7EC5                 db    2

2nd bp hit:

debug023:0000023C584F7EC0                 db  62h ; b
debug023:0000023C584F7EC1                 db  69h ; i
debug023:0000023C584F7EC2                 db  54h ; T
debug023:0000023C584F7EC3                 db  62h ; b
debug023:0000023C584F7EC4                 db  3Ch ; <
debug023:0000023C584F7EC5                 db    2

3rd bp hit:

debug023:0000023C584F7EC0                 db  62h ; b
debug023:0000023C584F7EC1                 db  69h ; i
debug023:0000023C584F7EC2                 db  54h ; T
debug023:0000023C584F7EC3                 db  63h ; c
debug023:0000023C584F7EC4                 db  3Ch ; <
debug023:0000023C584F7EC5                 db    2

It just repeats, but only the 0000023C584F7EC3 changes alphabetically until reaching `i`.

Notable Patterns:

  • The bytes at offsets 0 to 2 are constant: 'b''i''T'.
  • The byte at offset 3 changes from 'a' to 'b' to 'c', incrementing alphabetically up to 'i'.
  • The rest of the bytes remain constant or contain padding.

Interpreting the Data

Given that the data starts with 'biT' followed by a changing letter, it’s likely that this forms a chunk type in the PNG file.

Chunk Type Formation:

Chunk Type: 4 ASCII characters.

The observed chunk types are:

  • 'biTa'
  • 'biTb'
  • 'biTc'
  • 'biTi'

Understanding the Application’s Behavior

From your decompiled code and observations, the application seems to:

  1. Create Custom PNG Chunks:
    • It generates multiple custom chunks with types 'biTa''biTb', …, 'biTi'.
    • These chunks are likely used to store encrypted portions of the flag.
  2. Encrypt Flag Data:
    • The flag is divided into segments.
    • Each segment is XORed with a key derived from the chunk type or chunk data.
    • The encrypted segments are stored in the corresponding custom chunks.
  3. Key Derivation:
    • The key used for XORing seems to be derived from the chunk data (v69) or possibly the chunk type.
    • Since v19 = v69, and v69 points to the data starting with 'biTa', it’s possible that the chunk data itself is used as the key.

Reversing the Process

To extract and decode the embedded flag, we’ll need to:

  1. Parse the PNG File and Extract Custom Chunks:
    • Read the PNG file and extract all chunks, including custom ones with types 'biTa''biTb', …, 'biTi'.
  2. Collect Encrypted Data and Keys:
    • For each custom chunk:
      • Extract the encrypted data (chunk data).
      • Derive the key from the chunk data or type.
  3. Decrypt the Data:
    • XOR the encrypted data with the derived key to recover the original flag segments.
    • Concatenate the decrypted segments to reconstruct the full flag.

1. Read the PNG File and Extract Chunks

import struct

def read_chunks(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        # Read the PNG signature
        signature = f.read(8)
        if signature != b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n':
            raise Exception('Not a valid PNG file')

        chunks = []
        while True:
            # Read the length (4 bytes)
            length_bytes = f.read(4)
            if len(length_bytes) < 4:
                break  # End of file
            length = struct.unpack('>I', length_bytes)[0]

            # Read the chunk type (4 bytes)
            chunk_type = f.read(4).decode('ascii')

            # Read the chunk data
            data = f.read(length)

            # Read the CRC (4 bytes)
            crc = f.read(4)

                'type': chunk_type,
                'data': data,
                'crc': crc

        return chunks

2. Identify Custom Chunks

def extract_custom_chunks(chunks):
    standard_chunks = {
        'IHDR', 'PLTE', 'IDAT', 'IEND', 'tEXt', 'zTXt', 'iTXt',
        'bKGD', 'cHRM', 'gAMA', 'hIST', 'iCCP', 'pHYs', 'sBIT',
        'sPLT', 'sRGB', 'tIME', 'tRNS'
    custom_chunks = []
    for chunk in chunks:
        if chunk['type'] not in standard_chunks:
    return custom_chunks

3. Sort Chunks Based on Sequence

def sort_custom_chunks(chunks):
    # Sort chunks based on the fourth character of the chunk type
    return sorted(chunks, key=lambda c: c['type'][3])

4. Extract Encrypted Data and Keys

def derive_key_from_chunk_type(chunk_type):
    return chunk_type.encode('ascii')

5. Decrypt the Encrypted Data

def xor_decrypt(data, key):
    decrypted = bytearray()
    key_length = len(key)
    for i in range(len(data)):
        decrypted_byte = data[i] ^ key[i % key_length]
    return bytes(decrypted)

6. Combine Decrypted Segments

def extract_flag_from_chunks(chunks):
    flag_parts = []
    for chunk in chunks:
        key = derive_key_from_chunk_type(chunk['type'])
        # Or use derive_key_from_chunk_data(chunk)
        encrypted_data = chunk['data']
        decrypted_data = xor_decrypt(encrypted_data, key)
    flag = b''.join(flag_parts)
    return flag.decode()

7. Full Extraction Script

def extract_flag(file_path):
    chunks = read_chunks(file_path)
    custom_chunks = extract_custom_chunks(chunks)
    sorted_chunks = sort_custom_chunks(custom_chunks)
    flag = extract_flag_from_chunks(sorted_chunks)
    return flag

# Example usage
flag = extract_flag('embedded_flag.png')
print("Recovered Flag:", flag)

Full Code

import struct
import sys

def read_chunks(file_path):
    Reads all chunks from a PNG file.

    :param file_path: Path to the PNG file.
    :return: List of chunks with their type, data, and CRC.
    chunks = []
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        # Read the PNG signature (8 bytes)
        signature = f.read(8)
        if signature != b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n':
            raise Exception('Not a valid PNG file')

        while True:
            # Read the length of the chunk data (4 bytes, big-endian)
            length_bytes = f.read(4)
            if len(length_bytes) < 4:
                break  # End of file reached
            length = struct.unpack('>I', length_bytes)[0]

            # Read the chunk type (4 bytes)
            chunk_type = f.read(4).decode('ascii')

            # Read the chunk data
            data = f.read(length)

            # Read the CRC (4 bytes)
            crc = f.read(4)

                'type': chunk_type,
                'data': data,
                'crc': crc

    return chunks

def extract_custom_chunks(chunks):
    Filters out standard PNG chunks to extract custom chunks.

    :param chunks: List of all chunks from the PNG file.
    :return: List of custom chunks.
    standard_chunks = {
        'IHDR', 'PLTE', 'IDAT', 'IEND', 'tEXt', 'zTXt', 'iTXt',
        'bKGD', 'cHRM', 'gAMA', 'hIST', 'iCCP', 'pHYs', 'sBIT',
        'sPLT', 'sRGB', 'tIME', 'tRNS'
    custom_chunks = []
    for chunk in chunks:
        if chunk['type'] not in standard_chunks:
    return custom_chunks

def sort_custom_chunks(chunks):
    Sorts custom chunks based on the fourth character of the chunk type.

    :param chunks: List of custom chunks.
    :return: Sorted list of custom chunks.
    return sorted(chunks, key=lambda c: c['type'][3])

def derive_key_from_chunk_type(chunk_type):
    Derives the key from the chunk type.

    :param chunk_type: Type of the chunk (string).
    :return: Key as bytes.
    return chunk_type.encode('ascii')

def xor_decrypt(data, key):
    Decrypts data by XORing it with the key.

    :param data: Encrypted data as bytes.
    :param key: Key as bytes.
    :return: Decrypted data as bytes.
    decrypted = bytearray()
    key_length = len(key)
    for i in range(len(data)):
        decrypted_byte = data[i] ^ key[i % key_length]
    return bytes(decrypted)

def extract_flag_from_chunks(chunks):
    Extracts and decrypts the flag from custom chunks.

    :param chunks: List of sorted custom chunks.
    :return: Decrypted flag as a string.
    flag_parts = []
    for chunk in chunks:
        key = derive_key_from_chunk_type(chunk['type'])
        encrypted_data = chunk['data']
        decrypted_data = xor_decrypt(encrypted_data, key)
    flag = b''.join(flag_parts)
    # Remove padding if any (e.g., 0xAB bytes)
    flag = flag.rstrip(b'\xAB')
    return flag.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')

def extract_flag(file_path):
    Main function to extract the flag from the PNG file.

    :param file_path: Path to the PNG file.
    :return: Decrypted flag as a string.
    # Read all chunks from the PNG file
    chunks = read_chunks(file_path)
    # Extract custom chunks where the flag is hidden
    custom_chunks = extract_custom_chunks(chunks)
    # Sort the custom chunks based on their sequence
    sorted_chunks = sort_custom_chunks(custom_chunks)
    # Extract and decrypt the flag from the custom chunks
    flag = extract_flag_from_chunks(sorted_chunks)
    return flag

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: python extract_flag.py <path_to_png_file>")
    png_file_path = sys.argv[1]
        recovered_flag = extract_flag(png_file_path)
        print("Recovered Flag:", recovered_flag)
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", str(e))


[HNTRS2024] Huntress 2024 (Reverse Engineering): GoCrackMe3

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is a solution to the challenge. This post will be full of spoilers.
Download the binaries here: https://github.com/mlesterdampios/huntress-2024-binary-challenges

This challenge is an executable file with areas or regions that can never be reached due to logic conditions built in. The challenge is to redirect the flow to force it reach the memory regions that contains the flag.

In the main function:

Notice that what ever happens, it always lands on that else block. How about we force it to satisfy the condition to true? Or just simply nop the jump to the else block



Another interesting function is this one.

However, the logic prevents in getting to that block so we patch it.



We also notice a function return that prevents us going further down. So we patch it too.



Now we are going places.

And then, there’s another one.



However, no flag here:

So we put breakpoint before the function ends.

Then we search for flag signature
